Monday, April 21, 2008

Bon Jovi

Beginning of night

End of night

Rocking out!
Beer Run!
Hello Jon Bon Jovi!

My voice is hoarse! I to the Bon Jovi concert last night with Anne and Lori....loved it! Since I'm pregnant, I was the DD so Anne and Lori partied it up! Anne passed out on the 2 hour drive home while Lori talked and talked and talked. Which was good because I was super tired. But I don't know how she can talk non-stop like she did! Anyway, the concert was awesome! Daughtry opened and we just rocked the whole time! I'm so tired this morning. After my husband left for work, I fell back asleep on our couch . I made sure all of the doors and gates were closed so my little guy could play safely. When I ordered the tickets, I requested best available but was disappointed that they ended up 2nd row from the top to the side of the stage. But they were great seats! We saw the right side of the performers all night! But we could actually SEE the performers!! And there was a huge jumbo-tron in front of us! We actually got "shhh'ed"! At a rock concert! and we were at the very top! dork! Anyway...many happy memories of the concert!

Friday, April 18, 2008

new to this blog thing

So, my friend has been encouraging me to start a blog. I think it's a cool idea but I have not been the most positive person lately and I feel that my blog will just be depressing. I thought I would try it anyway...and not give my address out to any one. So we'll see how it goes...