Friday, October 17, 2008

New Site!

Sorry Blogger...but you just weren't doing it for me.

Fellow readers, please refer to this site for future posts:

It's been fun Blogger...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Did you hear what I'm saying??

Lately, Iben seems to be talking more and more...or at least I should say he is saying more words very clearly. Here are a couple of examples that I just heard this morning:

  • "Sure" when I asked if he wanted another piece of toast
  • "Mom play" after he was finished with breakfast.
  • "Call mom" this was last night when Aunt Shannon was watching him for me.

While he has been talking for a while, it still make me take a double look when he says something like "sure". That just seems like such a grown-up little word! It's nice to hear other words come out of his mouth instead of waffle or woof-woof. There are many more words that he says but it's too early in the morning for me to remember them all. :)

I still love it when he says "Please/thank you". He even said "thank you" this morning when he was finished with breakfast. What a sweet little boy!

PS I also love it when he says "Big Truck" every time we drive past a semi. He even did it all the way to Des Moines a couple of weeks ago...lucky for me, he slept most of the way home!

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Great Pumpkin Patch - in Iben's Words

Mommy & Daddy took me to the Pumpkin Patch yesterday and we had so much fun!! We started by going through the corn maze. I'm so glad my daddy and mommy are tall, otherwise I don't think I would have ever gotten out of there.

There were so many cool things along the trail - like small rocks, parts of a stalk and corn kernals.

We came upon a graveyard in the middle of the maze.

Also some friendly spooks who took their picture with us.

As you can see, there is a picture of me and daddy and one of me, mommy and Ichabod (that's what daddy calls the baby in mommy's belly).

Look at me! I hope to be as tall as the 4 next year!
Boo! I'm a spook!

I tried to help Daddy find the perfect pumpkin. We knew that we couldn't get one that was bigger than 36" around...otherwise it wouldn't fit through our door.

We also saw cute little puppies! I loved the woof-woofs!!
It was such a fun day! I can't wait until we crave our pumpkins next week!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Workin' for a livin'

I had every intention of writing a post this past Friday...but my subject matter was not completed until today. So just ignore that fact and take yourself back to Friday, Oct 10, 2008 and we'll pretend that I got everything accomplished in just one day. (HA! As if that ever actually happens!)

It was my day off today (remember dear reader that it's Friday)...from the carpet store...but not from the slavery of Coohey Construction and my position as office manager. (haha...I like giving myself important titles.) Take a look at the picture below to see the mound of work I had ahead of me:

I started the day off fairly well. After I responded to emails (Oops...non-work related) and made sure everything was okay on my Facebook page, I finally sat down to get started. Once I start working I feel it is very important to make sure I am well nourished and usually make several trips to the kitchen so my throat does not become dry or my stomach does not have a chance to start growling. On one such trip, I came back to this:
Jewel the cat loves to spend afternoons sitting on this very chair...seriously, she'll sit on it for she definitely felt that she was entitled to it. And she was ready to fight for the chair.

I thought it was a great opportunity for me to check my email and Facebook page again. Glad I did because I was able to chat with my favorite friend from across the pond, Angie! Since London is 6 hours ahead of us, this is uncommon and was such a delightful surprise. I will be having a British invasion in December when Miss Angie and her new love will be visiting us! Of course, I will blog about the visit and hopefully use some of the British terms they use. The British really have a great way of wording things...but more on that in December. I bet the suspense is killing you!

So after finally chasing Jewel off the chair, I was able to sit down and start the mundane work of an office manager. I opened mail, paid bills, filed (okay, maybe I saved the filing for another day) and updated our accounting system. Look at the fruits of my labor...a beautiful cleared off desk!

I bet you never met someone who felt office work was so intriguing that she decided to focus an entire blog on it!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

One way to look at the current Wall Street mess...

If you had purchased $1,000 of shares in Delta Airlines one year ago, you will have $49.00 today.
If you had purchased $1,000 of shares in AIG one year ago, you will have $33.00 today.
If you had purchased $1,000 of shares in Lehman Brothers one year ago, you will have $0.00 today.

But, if you had purchased $1,000 worth of beer one year ago, drank all the beer, then turned in the aluminum cans for recycling refund, you will have received $214.00. Based on the above, the best current investment plan is to drink heavily & recycle.

It is called the 401-Keg.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

5 things

All day I have been debating on the topic for today's post. So many ideas are running through my head. After much consideration, I decided to list 5 things that I love about my son and my husband. Here I go...

5 things that I love about Iben:

1) "Waffle" is the 1st thing he says to me when he comes to wake me up every morning.

2) He pretends to sleep at random times...snoring and all...and makes sure to get our attention before he "falls asleep".

3) When he says "please/thank you" when all he needs to say is please.

4) His excitement for going potty like a big boy. (I'm sure the reward of M&Ms and a sticker on his chart have something to do about that.)

5) His love of apples and peanut butter...I also enjoy helping him eat this snack.

5 things that I love about Shane:

1) The way he randomly leaves his socks around the house...seriously, I find them in the weirdest places.

2) How he goes to the extremes in all he does. (Facebook is his latest craze.)

3) His love for his "bat cave" (aka garage).

4) His constant positive outlook at life.

5) His hugs.

PS...#6 for Iben...the way he also randomly leaves his socks around the house just like his daddy.
My 2 boys make me feel like I'm the luckiest gal in the world! Love you!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Playing in the rain

I was running late this usual. Last night I had to park at the very end of our condo complex. (My invite to the neighbor's party must have gotten lost in the mail.) So of course, it was raining this morning. Iben is a very normal 2 yr old who loves to play in the rain puddles. I tried to take a picture of him jumping in them while also discouraging it since we didn't have time to change if his pants got soaked. The mommy in me trumped the photographer in me and he didn't get to play for very long. But I did get one picture and yes, he went to daycare with wet shoes and pants! Just an average 2 yr old!

Here I go!

I have been debating in whether to start a blog for a while now. 2 of my good friends have blogs and I love reading their entries. I never felt that I either had the time or, in reality, should take the time when I have a ton of other things to do. (I think that falls under the mommy guilt category...but that's a whole other subject for another time!) But my friend Michelle wrote on her blog that she blogs to document their lives so she'll have something to look back on. I have been thinking about that reason for the past couple of days and have decided that is the same reason I'm want to start my blog.

So I need to be honest - I started this blog back in April. The entries were not very positive because I was going through a tough time in my life. My father passed away in Sept 2007 and the 1st year was very difficult. I questioned everything about my life and what I have done up to this point. I guess it's a pretty common thing to do. It sucked - plus the fact that I was in the emotional 1st trimester of my pregnancy. (side note: I have been emotional through out this entire pregnancy!) Another aspect of Michelle's blog that I love is how she aims to look at all the positive little things in life. She has tons of pictures of her adorable little boys and just random things that she enjoys. That is the direction I want to go in my life - to continue to look at the positive and enjoy the little things. Like I said, this past year has been tough and I looked at life in the completely wrong way. Instead of saying, look at the great things I have...I said Why can't I have that/Why did this happen to me?

So this is an official start to my focus on the positive little things in my life. Until then, I need to go deal with the 2nd piece of toast I just burnt. It's the toaster - not my cooking - that caused the problem, but more on the toaster later.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Bon Jovi

Beginning of night

End of night

Rocking out!
Beer Run!
Hello Jon Bon Jovi!

My voice is hoarse! I to the Bon Jovi concert last night with Anne and Lori....loved it! Since I'm pregnant, I was the DD so Anne and Lori partied it up! Anne passed out on the 2 hour drive home while Lori talked and talked and talked. Which was good because I was super tired. But I don't know how she can talk non-stop like she did! Anyway, the concert was awesome! Daughtry opened and we just rocked the whole time! I'm so tired this morning. After my husband left for work, I fell back asleep on our couch . I made sure all of the doors and gates were closed so my little guy could play safely. When I ordered the tickets, I requested best available but was disappointed that they ended up 2nd row from the top to the side of the stage. But they were great seats! We saw the right side of the performers all night! But we could actually SEE the performers!! And there was a huge jumbo-tron in front of us! We actually got "shhh'ed"! At a rock concert! and we were at the very top! dork! Anyway...many happy memories of the concert!

Friday, April 18, 2008

new to this blog thing

So, my friend has been encouraging me to start a blog. I think it's a cool idea but I have not been the most positive person lately and I feel that my blog will just be depressing. I thought I would try it anyway...and not give my address out to any one. So we'll see how it goes...