Sunday, October 12, 2008

Workin' for a livin'

I had every intention of writing a post this past Friday...but my subject matter was not completed until today. So just ignore that fact and take yourself back to Friday, Oct 10, 2008 and we'll pretend that I got everything accomplished in just one day. (HA! As if that ever actually happens!)

It was my day off today (remember dear reader that it's Friday)...from the carpet store...but not from the slavery of Coohey Construction and my position as office manager. (haha...I like giving myself important titles.) Take a look at the picture below to see the mound of work I had ahead of me:

I started the day off fairly well. After I responded to emails (Oops...non-work related) and made sure everything was okay on my Facebook page, I finally sat down to get started. Once I start working I feel it is very important to make sure I am well nourished and usually make several trips to the kitchen so my throat does not become dry or my stomach does not have a chance to start growling. On one such trip, I came back to this:
Jewel the cat loves to spend afternoons sitting on this very chair...seriously, she'll sit on it for she definitely felt that she was entitled to it. And she was ready to fight for the chair.

I thought it was a great opportunity for me to check my email and Facebook page again. Glad I did because I was able to chat with my favorite friend from across the pond, Angie! Since London is 6 hours ahead of us, this is uncommon and was such a delightful surprise. I will be having a British invasion in December when Miss Angie and her new love will be visiting us! Of course, I will blog about the visit and hopefully use some of the British terms they use. The British really have a great way of wording things...but more on that in December. I bet the suspense is killing you!

So after finally chasing Jewel off the chair, I was able to sit down and start the mundane work of an office manager. I opened mail, paid bills, filed (okay, maybe I saved the filing for another day) and updated our accounting system. Look at the fruits of my labor...a beautiful cleared off desk!

I bet you never met someone who felt office work was so intriguing that she decided to focus an entire blog on it!

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