Thursday, October 16, 2008

Did you hear what I'm saying??

Lately, Iben seems to be talking more and more...or at least I should say he is saying more words very clearly. Here are a couple of examples that I just heard this morning:

  • "Sure" when I asked if he wanted another piece of toast
  • "Mom play" after he was finished with breakfast.
  • "Call mom" this was last night when Aunt Shannon was watching him for me.

While he has been talking for a while, it still make me take a double look when he says something like "sure". That just seems like such a grown-up little word! It's nice to hear other words come out of his mouth instead of waffle or woof-woof. There are many more words that he says but it's too early in the morning for me to remember them all. :)

I still love it when he says "Please/thank you". He even said "thank you" this morning when he was finished with breakfast. What a sweet little boy!

PS I also love it when he says "Big Truck" every time we drive past a semi. He even did it all the way to Des Moines a couple of weeks ago...lucky for me, he slept most of the way home!


Anonymous said...

Has he learned the phrase "small beer" yet?

DJSassafrass said...

He does know how to hand beers to people!
I laughed the first time I heard a friend's child say "Sure" too! It was so funny. I said something like "Do you want to play in the sandbox?" and he said "Suuuure! Yes! Sure!"
I'm glad someone else thinks that is funny and cute. Just shows how much they listen to what adults say.