Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Here I go!

I have been debating in whether to start a blog for a while now. 2 of my good friends have blogs and I love reading their entries. I never felt that I either had the time or, in reality, should take the time when I have a ton of other things to do. (I think that falls under the mommy guilt category...but that's a whole other subject for another time!) But my friend Michelle wrote on her blog that she blogs to document their lives so she'll have something to look back on. I have been thinking about that reason for the past couple of days and have decided that is the same reason I'm want to start my blog.

So I need to be honest - I started this blog back in April. The entries were not very positive because I was going through a tough time in my life. My father passed away in Sept 2007 and the 1st year was very difficult. I questioned everything about my life and what I have done up to this point. I guess it's a pretty common thing to do. It sucked - plus the fact that I was in the emotional 1st trimester of my pregnancy. (side note: I have been emotional through out this entire pregnancy!) Another aspect of Michelle's blog that I love is how she aims to look at all the positive little things in life. She has tons of pictures of her adorable little boys and just random things that she enjoys. That is the direction I want to go in my life - to continue to look at the positive and enjoy the little things. Like I said, this past year has been tough and I looked at life in the completely wrong way. Instead of saying, look at the great things I have...I said Why can't I have that/Why did this happen to me?

So this is an official start to my focus on the positive little things in my life. Until then, I need to go deal with the 2nd piece of toast I just burnt. It's the toaster - not my cooking - that caused the problem, but more on the toaster later.

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