Wednesday, October 8, 2008

5 things

All day I have been debating on the topic for today's post. So many ideas are running through my head. After much consideration, I decided to list 5 things that I love about my son and my husband. Here I go...

5 things that I love about Iben:

1) "Waffle" is the 1st thing he says to me when he comes to wake me up every morning.

2) He pretends to sleep at random times...snoring and all...and makes sure to get our attention before he "falls asleep".

3) When he says "please/thank you" when all he needs to say is please.

4) His excitement for going potty like a big boy. (I'm sure the reward of M&Ms and a sticker on his chart have something to do about that.)

5) His love of apples and peanut butter...I also enjoy helping him eat this snack.

5 things that I love about Shane:

1) The way he randomly leaves his socks around the house...seriously, I find them in the weirdest places.

2) How he goes to the extremes in all he does. (Facebook is his latest craze.)

3) His love for his "bat cave" (aka garage).

4) His constant positive outlook at life.

5) His hugs.

PS...#6 for Iben...the way he also randomly leaves his socks around the house just like his daddy.
My 2 boys make me feel like I'm the luckiest gal in the world! Love you!

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