Monday, October 13, 2008

The Great Pumpkin Patch - in Iben's Words

Mommy & Daddy took me to the Pumpkin Patch yesterday and we had so much fun!! We started by going through the corn maze. I'm so glad my daddy and mommy are tall, otherwise I don't think I would have ever gotten out of there.

There were so many cool things along the trail - like small rocks, parts of a stalk and corn kernals.

We came upon a graveyard in the middle of the maze.

Also some friendly spooks who took their picture with us.

As you can see, there is a picture of me and daddy and one of me, mommy and Ichabod (that's what daddy calls the baby in mommy's belly).

Look at me! I hope to be as tall as the 4 next year!
Boo! I'm a spook!

I tried to help Daddy find the perfect pumpkin. We knew that we couldn't get one that was bigger than 36" around...otherwise it wouldn't fit through our door.

We also saw cute little puppies! I loved the woof-woofs!!
It was such a fun day! I can't wait until we crave our pumpkins next week!

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